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Rae Gaskell

Illustrator ⋆ Graphic Designer ⋆ Product Designer

About Me.

Rae Gaskell is an illustrator and kitsch nightmare based in Lancashire, England. They love bold colours and retro visuals with an eerie twist. They pride themselves on the quality of their work and the unique vision that they bring to any brand who dares to work with them! Graduating in 2019 with a BA (Hons) in Illustration from the University of South Wales, they are trained in a variety of illustrative fields and are always eager to explore and experiment. They love to work on comics, editorial illustration and any funky project you throw their way!

Past Experience:

Evalu-8 Software LTD (2021 - 2022)

Graphic Designer and Marketing Assistant

As Evalu-8's Graphic Designer Rae created visuals the company still uses to this day including their logo, mascot design (Eve) and social media templates that are used in their marketing. This job gave her vital experience of how corporate art and social media interact. After this experience they are confident in their use of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

ColorFoto (2019)

Colour Corrector and Photo Editor

Rae gained experience in volume editing, becoming proficient in usage of the Adobe Cloud (specifically Lightroom and Photoshop) and improved their confidence in working under tight deadlines in a high pressure environment. Their concept of colour theory was challenged and improved throughout the course of this experience.

'Nostalgia' Exhibition, SHO Gallery (2018)

Contributing Artist and Curator

During their illustrative studies at the University of South Wales, they curated a gallery exhibition as part of the final year's module. Responsible for checking the artwork was of high quality and delivered by deadlines, they also communicated with the venue and mounted over 20 pieces before opening to the general public. They gained invaluable experience in event organisation and felt this was a definining moment in their ability to communicate and curate. The opening night was an outstanding success, with industry professionals in attendance.

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